✿ Post 179 ✿

by - quarta-feira, março 29, 2017

Body: ToddleeDoo - BabyGirl

Head: ToddleeDoo Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE

Hair:  *barbryumyum* 90

Set: {:Moose:} Pajamas Set Ment 
Complete Set Pajamas, rated in 5 different colors for your taste.
The bear accompanies a pose 
@ThimbleEvent Open Mar 20.

Pacifier: {WF} Jorie Paci - Green

Pose: {SJ} Kylee Pose Pack ( Pack 5 Poses lying).

Credits: ✿ Moose ✿ Strawberry Jam ✿ @ThimbleEvent 

✿ Thanks for the visit 

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