✿ Post 141 ✿

by - quarta-feira, fevereiro 22, 2017

Body: ToddleeDoo - BabyGirl

Head: ToddleeDoo Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE

Hair: Magika - 01 - Itch

Set: {BB} Bebe Lamb - Kawaii 
Toddleedoo Baby Only!
collect 4 colors of each, ruffle cardi and rompers, lamby socks, bow with lamby ears
colros available are blush, sky, hope and coal  @ThimbleEvent Open Fev 20

Pose: .In The Moment.Families. ~ Kawaii Cute ~ Pose Pack @ThimbleEvent Open Fev 20

Credits: ✿ BabyBurp ✿ In The Moment.Families  @ThimbleEvent 

✿ Thanks for the visit 

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